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Home arrow Permanenza in Italia arrow You may become an Italian citizen
You may become an Italian citizen PDF Stampa E-mail
 if your mother or father or one of your grandparents are or were citizens by birth.

1) if your mother or father or one of your grandparents are or were citizens by birth.

To do so, however, requires meeting one of the following conditions:

- the required Italian military service and before doing so declare your intention to acquire Italian citizenship;

- that you be hired as an employee by the Italian State, in Italy or abroad, and before during so declare your intention to acquire Italian citizenship;

- that you reside legally in Italy for at least without interruption prior to begin 18 and that from one year from becoming 18 you declare your intention to acquire Italian citizenship.

The official declaration of your intention must be made before a Registrar. You will need the following documents: a) a birth certificate; b) a certificate of Italian citizenship by birth of your mother, father or one of your grandparents; c) a residency certificate (if required).

2) if you were born in Italy and have resided here legally without interruptions until the age of 18 and you declare your intention to acquire Italian citizenship within one year from becoming 18.

The official declaration of your intention must be made before a Registrar. You will need the following documents: a) birth certificate; b) a residency certificate.

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